Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sol Cubano - Maduro

Sol Cubano Maduro

Size: 6 1/2 x 52 Torpedo
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf

Binder: Nicaraguan

Filler: Nicaraguan

Body: Full

Strength: Medium

"Cuban Sun" This dark beauty comes to us from the masters of cigars, Oliva's. With a very dark wrapper perfectly rolled smooth, veins barely make an appearance, and oils enhancing its looks. This cigar is firm but soft. The wrapper carries a spiciness to it and the loose draws gives off a tobacco flavor before lighting.

This cigar lit up rather easy creating a great amount of thick, creamy, and flavorful smoke. Instant cocoa and coffee flavors hiding a pepper spice you do not notice right off the back, it is hidden in the depth of it all. A nutty flavor is also enveloped by the cocoa flavor. This is truly an Oliva creation from the start.

The white ash does hold firm on this cigar, though it is a bit flaky at times. I am impressed by the straight burn I am getting from this cigar, well, to be honest I am not that impressed as this did come from the Oliva family, I expected quality and this cigar held up to its name.

Within the body of the cigar I was given large amounts of flavor that was well beyond my expectations. The finish was long and creamy. My mouth was coated with flavors of cocoa and coffee that are common with maduro cigars. I was given a touch of bitterness in the depth of the smoke, it never stood out or was harsh. With age this may go away and really make this cigar outstanding.

This cigar burns cool, oh did I mention the ash held on well? In fact I only ashed three times total! That was with heavy pick ups and put downs in the ashtray.

This cigar was perfect after my Cajun dinner and complimented my hot cocoa and Charlie Brown movie. What can I say, I am a sucker for the classics.

This is a budget cigar. No wait, this is a great cigar at a great price. The problem with labeling this as a budget cigar is it gives the connotation that this cigar only lives up to minimal expectations. I do not want to give the impression that this cigar is only worth the low price when in fact it is not. I have had cigar worth much more that cannot live up to the Sol Cubano. Take advantage of this cigar if you love maduros, you will be pleased you did. Put the flame to this one!

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