Friday, February 1, 2008

Savinelli Nicaraguan Reserve

Savinelli Nicaraguan Reserve

Size: 6.5 x 54 Torpedo
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Body: Medium
Strength: Mild-Medium
Humidor time: 1 month

By request I bring you this Savinelli Nicaraguan Reserve. I am well aware of Savinelli pipes, they are some of the most beautiful and best smoking pipes out there and even better they are affordable, I even know that their seconds smoke just as great as their firsts. What I did not know is that they have their own line of cigars. This all Nicaraguan cigar caught my eye quickly. It holds an interesting looking wrapper, it has a reddish hue in it that was blotchy, in a good way that caused this cigar to look attractive. This cigar is firm with an easy bounce when pinched. The draw was a little firmer then I prefer but otherwise not bad. Torpedo's are not an easy cigar to construct with a loose draw.

This cigar was easy to light, it started off with strong coffee and a touch of spice. The smoke was smooth with some roughness in it and light in body. The ash on this cigar was white and held very strong, I had to tap it off a bit harder then I am used to on most cigars. The burn was a bit uneven but did not cause any problems.

Once into the body of the cigar the spice faded and a strong bitter coffee took over. It was really a robust cigar. Not complex in any way, it burned with a strong coffee all the way through. This did not take a lot of work to enjoy, it is straight forward and great for those days you want to sit back and smoke a cigar without having to think about it. The aroma was not bad, I never really thought about it while smoking this one.

The price is about right for this cigar. I do recommend this to anyone who is looking for something easy or for those looking to step up to something with a bit more body and strength than they are used to.

Appearance 2-I Liked It
Construction 2- Good
Burn 1-Uneven, No Touch up Needed
Ash 2- Wow
Flavor 2.5- Poker smoke, even flavor, not distracting, no thinking required to enjoy this one
Smoke Profile 1- Smokeable, maybe a harsh spot or two, but not distracting
Aroma 2- Nice and not overpowering, Aromatic, enjoyable fragrance

=11.5 Points

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