Saturday, January 19, 2008

CAO Italia Gondola

CAO Italia Gondola

Size: 6.25x54
Wrapper: Honduras
Binder: Honduras
Filler: Italy, Nicaragua, Peru
Body: Medium-Full
Strength: Mild-Medium

Another CAO, they are producing so many different cigars it is hard to keep up, they spend so much on packaging, they are trying to up the market and seek out new smokers. So what does that do to quality of the cigars and even the complexity of the blends? I cannot answer that without being questioned myself, they are a brand that certainly is under scrutiny about their
marketing. Either way I am willing to try any cigar that looks good to me and this one looks good to me.

The wrapper on this vitola is dark and veiny with the scent of cocoa coming off of it. The cigar is firm with no soft spots. The wrapper was tasteless, the draw was firm, but the tobaccos inside gave a bit of cocoa before lighting. Upon ignition the smoke was chewy, which I noted was like pasta noodles that are not fully cooked. The smoke texture was smooth with a short finish, it left me wanting more. The flavors were fruity with a sweetness in the depth of the smoke and a woodiness texture overall.

The ash burn solid, it was bright white with blotches. The burn was perfect throughout the entire cigar. As I smoked into the body I picked up a grain like flavor and texture, a lot like wheat and the smoke was not as chewy as it started out as. The cigar gave me a mild cocoa taste and subtleties of honey. It was a slow smoking cigar, which I enjoy as I want my cigars to last long, have a lot of flavor, and be worth the money. There was a nice toasty finish with a touch of coffee on the end.

I was surprised with all these flavors, yet as I reached the final third, that acrid taste I find common on CAO cigars reared it's nasty head and the smoke's finish was complexity of flavors, okay so maybe that was not as bad as I thought it would be when I first noticed the acrid flavor. I was set back as I did not expect this good of a cigar.

I was a bit bummed out to read that this cigar does not have a great amount of Italian tobacco in it. When reading about this cigar it gives the impression that this cigar is loaded with Italian tobacco, almost enough to be a puro, but nope, just 1/5 of it is Italian. I guess CAO's marketing hype struck again. I was too eager and trusting, but hey, it was a great cigar and I would not pass on another one.

Appearance 1- Average
Construction 3- Excellent
Burn 2- Perfect
Ash 1.5- Holds okay but falls easily
Flavor 3- Great smoke, lots of flavor, a staple in the humidor
Smoke Profile 2- Perfect, no harsh spots at all, smooth and nice
Aroma 2- Nice and not overpowering, Aromatic, enjoyable fragrance

=14.5 Points

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